Macintosh Links
j w a r d e l l . s y r . e d u
My Mac, tons of great Apple videos and more!
Apple Computer - Main page, links to all areas and info
- Power Computing - The first and largest Mac Clone maker
- Motorola StarMax - From the company that makes the chips themselves
- APS MPower - The famous drive distributor has joined the masses
YES! They're cheaper than Power Computing! 603/160 $1399! 604/200 $2599!!
Mac Pages
- MacInTouch - Check here daily for updates, news, bugs, and very important info
- EvangeList - Guy Kawasaki's Mac evangelist site on MacAddict
- Mac Fan Sites - have tons of info, resources, and links. Visit these often!
Other OSs
- MacOS 8 - Apple's info on the next OS (System 8/Copland/MacOS2)
- BeOs - Be makes its own PowerPCs and its own OS, which will soon work on macs, too
- MkLinux - Yes, run Linux on PowerMacs!
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This page and its graphics are Copyright © 1996 by Josh Wardell.
Updated 10/13/96