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Undergraduate Research Program
College of Arts & Sciences
Syracuse University
Eric Holzwarth, Director
329 Hall of Languages


Faculty Name: Department:
Campus Address: Phone:
Campus Email: Home Page:

Project available for: Fall   Spring   Summer  Year   Ongoing
Duration (for any given student): semester(s)
Suggested credit load per semester:
Number of students project can carry per semester:

 Please briefly answer the following inquiries as completely and clearly as possible in lay terms. You may wish to browse through the available projects area of the web site for examples. (Advertising copy is created from your description here.)

Project title:

Project description:

Student roles, responsibilites, and tasks:

Minimum qualifications required for students to participate:

Educational benefit to the student (optional):

 Submission of this form presumes you are willing and able to supervise undergraduate participation in your project(s) toward student achievement of some educational purpose worthy of academic credit.

Updated 02/21/2003