Introduced with the 83+ and 73 is the capability to use assembly-based application programs stored in pages of its flash memory, or flash apps. These allow a whole new dimension to TI calcs. Third parties can program programs that you can (ideally) purchase and load onto your calculator, extending its function in some way. This is similiar to buying programs for your computer and loading them on. Flash app capability is currently limited to the 83+ and the 73; updated versions of the 89 and 92+ will soon support them.
Flash apps have he potential to bring significantly new capabilities to TI calculators and therefore increase the number of people who could find them useful. Examples include sheduling capabilities, a word processor, games, or whatever else the imagination allows. A few are available now, but development is in its early stages. All flash apps can be purchased and downloaded at TI's web site.
What prevents purchasing one copy and putting it on your friends' calculators as well? The apps won't run on them. Each flash app-capable calculator has a built-in ID, which you must provide when buying an app. The app is "signed" and encrypted to only allow it to run on the IDs it was purchased for. It needs a matching ID in order to run. A similiar scheme is used on SGI workstations. Shareware and freeware apps can be signed to run on all calculators. Keep an eye on the available apps, I think you will find many of them worth the price.