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Student Information

s t u d e n t   p a r t i c i p a t i o n
 The Undergraduate Research Program is open to all students in all departments university-wide, though it is especially designed for students in the College of Arts and Sciences. Students should start by finding projects listed on this site that interest them and that they qualify for. (The qualifications or prerequisites for any given project are set by the sponsoring faculty, not the URP office. Some projects may have no prerequisites while others may specify a number of them). Having identified a project, students discuss the project and the advisability of their participation with the sponsoring faculty. If all parties are in agreement, enrollment proceeds.

a c a d e m i c   c r e d i t s
 URP is neither a degree-granting nor a curricular program. Rather, it is an office that facilitates linking qualified, interested students with faculty-generated projects in a credit-bearing context. Credit arrangements vary according to project needs and student desires. Generally, 3 credits per semester is appropriate, but as few as 1 and as many as 6 credits are possible. All credits earned by use of course numbers URP250 and URP 450 will be understood as Arts and Sciences credit. Credit may also be earned by use of the all-university independent study course numbers (below).

e n r o l l m e n t
 Once all relevant parties approve a student's participation, enrollment takes place in one of two ways:

 1. URP Courses: The following two courses have been instituted to provide a mechanism for student enrollment in this program. The choice between these courses is left to the discretion of the faculty sponsor and URP Director, and students use the all-university Independent Study Proposal form in enrolling.

 URP 250 Introductory Undergraduate Research [may have variable subtitle], (1 -6 credit hours). Research or other academic work done in conjunction with a faculty-generated and sponsored research or professional work project as administered through the Undergraduate Research Program. Prereq: Permission of URP Director.

 URP 450 Advanced Undergraduate Research [may have variable subtitle], (1-6 credit hours). Research or other academic work done in conjunction with a faculty-generated and sponsored research or professional work project as administered through the Undergraduate Research Program. Prereq: Permission of URP Director.

 2. Independent Study Courses: Where deemed appropriate, students may enroll through an all-University Independent Study number (290, 490, etc.) carrying an individual academic department's designation.

Enrollment will normally take place prior to or at the beginning of each semester; however, by special permission enrollment during any given semester may also be possible.

g r a d i n g   a n d   c o u r s e   e v a l u a t i o n
 Normally, enrollment entails the A-F grading option; although, by special petition, the Pass/Fail option may be used. Course evaluations, submitted independently by faculty sponsors and student participants, are standard procedure and special forms will be provided.

Updated 02/21/2003
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