Undergraduate Research Program
Syracuse University
College of Arts and Sciences
329 Hall of Languages.
Syracuse, NY 13244
(315) 443-7192

  The Undergraduate Research Program (URP) provides non-classroom, credit-bearing educational opportunities to undergraduate students. Interested, qualified students work closely with faculty in faculty-generated research projects, or other projects representing the faculty's professional, academic interests. The apprenticeship model is featured, and students gain firsthand experience in creative and investigative academic work, participate in alternate learning environments, translate theory into practice, explore the cutting edge of particular disciplines, develop closer working relationships with faculty members, and enhance their own career and educational credentials.

The Undergraduate Research Program is a program of iLEARN: The Innovative Learning Program of the College of Arts and Sciences. It is open to all qualified undergraduate students across the University.

s t u d e n t   p a r t i c i p a t i o n
 Projects are open to students in all departments of Syracuse University that meet the individual projects' requirements, if any. Students choose a project from this web site and contact the faculty offering it if they are interested. Generally, a student earns 3 credits for his or her participation, and recieves an A-F grade upon completion. See the Student Information page for more details.

f a c u l t y   p a r t i c i p a t i o n
 Faculty from the College of Arts and Sciences, but others as well, are encouraged to list their projects in this program.  URP exists, in part, to match faculty with qualified students for educational work in the former's research area. See the Faculty Information page for more details.

Updated 02/21/2003
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