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Faculty Information

f a c u l t y   p a r t i c i p a t i o n
 The Undergraduate Research Program offers faculty members a chance to extend and expand the character of their teaching in the undergraduate context, work closely with self-selecting, highly motivated students, attract excellent students to continued study in their particular field of study, and open both internal and external funding possibilities by way of undergraduate involvement in their work. Faculty projects open to this involvement are invited and listed on a semester-by-semester basis, although individual projects may extend beyond a semester in length or be repeated or re-listed as need be. The character and requirements of these projects, as well as the number of credits involved, vary greatly since they come from across the disciplines of the College of Arts and Sciences and sometimes from other colleges as well. The common criterion for all, however, is appropriateness to an educational, credit-bearing experience for qualified undergraduate students.

p r o p o s i n g   a   p r o j e c t
 See the Faculty Project Proposal Form for proposing your project. This form can be filled out and submitted online, or you can print it out and send it to the URP director.

p r o j e c t   e x a m p l e s
 See the list of individual faculty projects currently listed on this website for examples of projects. Call the Director if you have any questions (x7192).

s e e k i n g   s u p p o r t
 Financial support may be available for faculty and students involved in these projects if that support will directly benefit students participating. Please speak with the URP Director for further information.

Updated 02/21/2003
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