English/Textual Studies (ENG/ETS)

Literature, Aesthetics, and Democratic Society

Project Description: Project will be a reconsideration of craft, literature, quality, and aesthetics in relation to liberal theory's understanding of the needs of a democratic society. In place of aesthetics as intuitive/transcendent or aesthetics as ideology, I will explore the necessary function aesthetics plays in a progressive society.
Student Roles/Responsibilities:  Student will help with recording oral histories of community members, may help with editorial duties, and will help with library research tasks.  Student will compile a thorough, annotated reading list of works on liberal theory, communitarianism, and aesthetic theory.
Minimum Qualifications: A senior in ETS or Political Science major. Exceptional junior may qualify as well.
Sponsor: Professor Harvey Teres, 401 HL; x4891; e-mail address:  hmteres@syr.edu 

Modern British Drama
Project Description: I am currently doing a study of modern British drama 1900-present. I would like to share the work on this project with a student who likes to do online and library research. The student will learn much about the subject. Individual writers will be discovered, their work explored and evaluated. A historical context will also be informative for the student.
Student Roles/Responsibilities: Library and online research on the subject. Weekly meetings with me as we build a research hoarde and a document.
Qualifications: I prefer and Arts & Sciences student, with research experience. I expect about 10 hours per week of work from the student.
Benefit: Will learn practical research. Preparing manuscripts for publication.
Sponsor: Professor Sandy Sternlicht, 429 HL; x9480; e-mail address: svsternl@syr.edu


Updated 05/02/2003
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